VIDsigner facilitates the signing of all the necessary documentation in the world of education: enrollment, scholarship applications, payment of fees, transcript requests, internship agreements, among many others.
In addition, the electronic signature solves other business processes such as staff recruitment, purchasing, invoicing, expenses, etc. It is a technological investment compatible with the center’s management software, which ensures and improves the obtaining of agreements.


  • Reduce paper and waiting time
  • Software integration
  • Legal guarantee of documents
  • Security when collecting consents from any device
  • Lower costs and risks compared to documents signed in paper format
  • Streamlined processes adapted to digital transformation
  • Facilitates the exchange of signatures between different parties avoiding a multitude of travels


VIDsigner allows the enrollment process to be 100% online. Includes enrollment applications and agreements, scholarship applications, admission letters, transfer of records, validations, etc.


Request for transcripts, payment of fees, internship agreements, payment of fees, exchange agreements, etc.


Purchase orders, budget requests, invoices, expenses, personnel contracts, confidentiality agreements, etc.


Ask us whatever you need. We will answer your questions and
we will help you implement the solution you are looking for.

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